showing 4 games

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Bloodborne  SCE Japan Studio (FromSoftware)2015 actionadventure actionrpg adv-intermediary amalgams antisavescumming attrbasedeq axes backtracking blood-motif bloodmagic bloodmoon bludgeons bodyhorror bossarenas bossbattles bossmeter breakmeter caninoids charactercreation chargedattack city coffins columnarjointing cosmichorrors cosmicism deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery difficulty-single dilapidated dissolvingcorpses dodging dogs doors dreamworld earlymodern-theme eldritchabominations elevators enemyhealthdisplay equipmentupgrades falldamage fallimpact fasttravel-points firearms firearms-early firstpartytitle furphysics genderchoice giantbirds gianthumanoids giantmonsters giantrats giantspiders glowingeyes gothic grapplers graybrown handandahalfweapons handguns healingitems humanfacedcreatures incendiarygrenades interactivetriggers interrupting inventory itemdurability itempickup-stash jumping knockback knockdown ladders lamp loadless lovecraftian magic magneticshoulders mapdeficient meleeweapons metroidvania monsters morphingequipment mp-crossaddon multipleendings mutagen mutants noports npcenvironmentalvulnerability openpvp outbreak outlanderprotagonist phyreengine pinatacreatures platformexclusive polearms pressureplates protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face psychics pvpve quitsave ragdollphysics ravens restingreset save-opportunistic save-suspend seamlessworld selfluminance shopping shortcutopening shotguns siminsanity sizeispower socketables soulslike splatter staggering staining stamina stash statuseffects swords targetlock tentaclecreatures transformativecorruption tumbling tutorial unarmedfighting undefinedelements undefinedhealing upgradesystem uvl-workingtitle victorian walking weaponupgrades whips xp-kills xp-objects Introducing Bloodborne, the latest Action RPG from renowned Japanese developer FromSoftware, exclusively for the PlayStation®4 system. Face your fears as you search for answers in the ancient city of Yharnam, now cursed with a strange endemic illness spreading through the streets like wildfire. Danger, death and madness lurk around every corner of this dark and horrific world, and you must discover its darkest secrets in order to survive.

* A Terrifying New World: Journey to a horror-filled gothic city where deranged mobs and nightmarish creatures lurk around every corner.

* Strategic Action Combat: Armed with a unique arsenal of weaponry, including guns and saw cleavers, you'll need wits, strategy and reflexes to take down the agile and intelligent enemies that guard the city's dark secrets.

* A New Generation of Action RPG: Stunningly detailed gothic environments, atmospheric lighting, and advanced new online experiences showcase the power and prowess of the PlayStation(R)4 system.
Borderlands 3 2K Games (IPerion)2019 aaa abilitydependencies achievements achievements-functional adv-ptdistr adventurerprotagonist aimassist aimmode alienanimals ambientocclusion assaultrifles autoshotguns backstabbing berserkers borderlands-series bossbattles buggy burning canyon capacity-slots capacity-toolslots cave cheapdeath circadiancycle classbased classlinkedgender cloaking clones compass containers cyborgs damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes deadlywater deadondisplay depthoffield diaries difficulty-players driving enemyhealthdisplay energyshields explosiveobjects firearms fxaa grenades guntossing gyrojets handguns healthdraining healthdrops healthpickups insectoids inventory itemgenerator jumping jumppads launcher limitedcapacity locationaldamage lootemup low-g machineguns machinepistols map minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-private mpfocus mutants nohealthregen npcspawning npcstrife objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator obsoletedassets optionaltasks precisionrifles primates radar ragers rehash reload-auto reload-manual respec revolverrifles revolvers robots rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy sellundo shieldregen shopping shotguns splatter stash stylized submachineguns tasktracker telescope titlementioned town trampling tutorial walking wwise xp-kills zoom At the hard edge of the galaxy lies a group of planets ruthlessly exploited by militarised corporations. Brimming with loot and violence, this is your home – the Borderlands. Answering the call of the Siren champion Lilith, four Vault Hunters charge head-first into a spray of bullets, blood, and bandits to recover a map to ancient Vaults and prevent a universe-destroying power from falling into the wrong hands. The rest is history. Fearless renegade mercenaries on the wildest interplanetary treasure hunt of all time. FL4K is a wandering robotic tracker whose cold steel heart warms only for their pet beasts. Amara beats bad guys into pancakes with her psychic fists. Moze’s best friend is a 10-ton walking killing machine. And Zane, the semi-retired corporate hitman... well, he’s Zane. Hunting Alone? No problem! Shoot and loot your way through the Borderlands, discovering the region’s untold stories and piling high your increasingly deadly cache of goodies and weapons. labelimagesubject
Destiny Activision (Bungie)2014 28thcentury actionrpg aimmode aliens antiheroprotagonist bodyarmor canyon cave chromaticaberration circadiancycle classbased clothphysics criware dark-limited distantfuture earth enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons falldamage fallimpact firearms firstpersonshooter future genderchoice genericengine grenades handguns healthregen hovervehicles itemgenerator knives lamp lightvsdark loading-obscured lootemup luna midairjumping moon mp-control mp-cooperative mp-dropin mp-matchmaking objectiveindicator planetaryromance postapocalypse precisionrifles protagonistdesigning pve pvp radar rebornprotagonist reload-manual robots rockets russia shopping specieschoice stash technomagic tower upgradesystem waterfalls wintery In Destiny (from the creators of Halo) you are a Guardian of the last city on Earth. You are able to wield incredible power. Explore the ancient ruins of our solar system, from the vast dunes of Mars to the lush jungles of Venus. Defeat Earth's enemies. Reclaim all that we have lost. Become legend. Embark on an epic action adventure with rich cinematic storytelling where you unravel the mysteries of our universe and reclaim what we lost at the fall of our Golden Age. The next evolution of the first-person action genre that promises to provide an unprecedented combination of storytelling, cooperative, competitive, and public gameplay, and personal activities that are all woven into an expansive, persistent online world. Venture out alone or join up with friends. The choice is yours. Personalize and upgrade every aspect of how you look and fight with a nearly limitless combination of armor, weapons, and visual customizations. Take your upgraded character into every mode, including campaign, cooperative, social, public, and competitive multiplayer.***
Diablo II: Resurrected Blizzard (Blizzard;Vicarious Visions)2021 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-ptdistr amazons arid armyofone attrbasedeq auras automap axes bestsellerseries bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative classbased classlinkedgender cliffhanger containers corpseactions crossbows crossworldcharacters cryokinesis damagetypes dark-limited darkfantasy daylighthorror demonicinvasion demons diablo diablolike druids dualwielding dungeon electrokinesis elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems energyregen ether evilwins fasttravel-points felinoids forest gambling ghosts goblinoids graverobbing hackandslash healing-gradual healingitems healthbuffer heroprotagonist hive humanoidanimals humid insectoids interrupting inventory itemgenerator itemidentification itempickup-instant itemsets javelins jewelry jokelevel jungle leveluprestoration limitedcapacity loot-random loot-unexpected lootemup magic magicrings manaburn mapgenerator meleeweapons minimap mode-hardcore monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mummies necromancers nontolkienian npcfleeing npcspawning obstacletranslucification oddappliances optionaltasks paladins paperdoll passivesynergy playerexpiration playerprofiles polearms potions premadecharacters presetmaps pygmies pyrokinesis quickkeys quicksets quitsave reanimators recallportal recurrence recurrence-character respec restorativegluttony rewardingvandalism ricochetingattacks safezone scrolls scythes selfluminance sequelhook serious shieldbash shopping skeletons socketables sorcery souljar spears stamina stash staves summoning supportnpcs swords tasktracker taxonomy teleporters theurgy thrownweapons titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips toxins tropic undead unknownpast voiceovers walking wands wasteland xp-deeds xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize